Brave Space

Crafting a mobile experience to help underrepresented creatives connect to one another and discover local community spaces, events, and opportunities.

Project Overview

This project was an entry for an Adobe Creative Jam competition I entered with two classmates while taking an immersive UX course at General Assembly.

We had three days to create a mobile app to help underrepresented creatives access hiring opportunities and creative communities. My team, The Screaming Emus, decided to create an app that would help creators find others in their area and combine their existing resources and skills.
  • Design Jam
  • Interaction Designer
  • Adobe XD
  • 3 Day Jam


With a small team we ideated, wireframed, and prototyped a mobile app to help connect underrepresented creatives. In total there were 19 screens and the major features were: showcasing up and coming artists and organizations on the app's homepage, a news section, and a way to find others and connect with them through the app.

Rather than trying to be a competitor to other social apps Brave Space is meant as an app to bring multiple social media and art sharing avenues together in one place. Brave Space shows events happening in the user's local community so they will be able to find people at these events and from there could connect with each other on Brave Space to have all of the online ways to support each other in one place.

Lessons Learned

I'm immensely proud of the app my team was able to build in the 12 hours we were able to work together.

The biggest takeaway is that you always want to do more research and user testing. That's especially true for this project. We knew while building the project that we didn't have enough, but we probably should've made it a bigger priority even though we were on a tight timeline.

I was able to learn a lot in a short time about prototyping and ideating with a team remotely. It was amazing to create a full project in such a short timespan. I would definitely do a Creative Jam again in the future.

Like to go more in depth?
Please keep reading below.

One chilly Wednesday in an online Zoom class about UX design a guest instructor from Adobe told my class about their upcoming Adobe Creative Jam happening the following weekend. With a UX project due that Friday and the promise of a free year of Adobe Creative Cloud I decided... why not? Could be a lot of fun. It ended up being a weekend full of many sleepless hours and it was a lot of fun.

The Prompt: "Design a third-party mobile app to help underrepresented creatives access hiring opportunities, showcases, communities, and/or other resources that ultimately empower them and allow them to thrive."

Woah! that was a big prompt. The Screaming Emus, my team, jumped right into a Zoom meeting to talk about our first few ideas. Collectively we felt as a group of three very privileged people that coming up with a genuine and worthwhile solution in three days was going to be very difficult. Particularly knowing we would need to balance between our classwork and putting time into the design jam. Which is ultimately what led us to say "There must be organizations out there better equipped and actively working to address a lot of these issues." How did people go about finding these types of organizations and communities? How did they get the funding they needed? That was really when the seed of our idea was formed.

For our research we primarily talked with close friends about some of their experiences they'd had while trying to either break into a creative industry or establish themselves as a creative. We also found existing organizations and events online that helped us understand what was currently available and how our project could theoretically connect with the existing resources. We each found multiple organizations to discuss with each other. One example I connected with was Sporas, which is a platform for cinematographers and film technicians of color working to create a more inclusive film industry. Keeping these organizations in mind as we continued into the design process really helped shape some of our decisions.
Once our team had an idea of what our app was going to be about we decided to work separately and get back together on Zoom the next morning with some sketches. When I'm sketching I like to make sure I'm thinking through how a user would go about a task. I sort of make a user flow at the same time as my sketches. I start with the core task of an app, the "What's the point of making this app?" For Brave Space I started with a home screen and then built each screen needed to get a user to a certain goal. Then started the sketching process again with the second most important task.

Our group walked each other through our ideas and sketches. Together we picked the best bits and combined them into what we would use to build our initial wireframe. Our idea was looking pretty sweet when we brought our sketches together so we got to work making wireframes in Adobe Xd. We connected our wireframes up into a simple prototype and we were able to easily see some of the gaps in our flow. I worked on adding a few more screens to the low fidelity prototype as my team members did some initial visual design.
Medium Fidelity Prototype
User Testing
Iterated Prototype
Evaluation & Feedback
This was everyone's first jam of any kind and time sure sneaks by really fast. We got a medium fidelity prototype done around 8pm. We asked some of our family members, "Heeeeyyy do you think I could test another prototype with you?" With their testing of the prototype we were able to change some things we had definitely been overlooking.

With our deadline fast approaching and it being a little too late in the night to get more users to test, our best course of action was to push our prototype to the high fidelity the Jam was expecting of the teams. I ended up working on adding motion to our prototype while my other partner brought all our colors into a homogenous look.

We knew since day one of this Jam that we wanted to leave at least an hour before the deadline to make sure to get everything turned in properly, so that's what we did. Two hours before the deadline I sent a prototype to my father to proofread, make sure the connections worked, and just see if the app made any sense to someone that had a full night of sleep. I'm glad we did cause he was able to catch some typos and other small errors that we were able to adjust before we hit submit and turned our prototype in before the deadline.

Well, we did not win first place or second or even place in the top 20. There were over a hundred teams in the design jam. I'm still immensely proud of what my team and I were able to accomplish in the time we had for this Jam.

With more time we would've loved to do A LOT MORE research and user testing. We knew as we were starting the jam that we weren't going to have enough time to do them properly, as we were expected to turn in what looked like a shippable product more so than an app that had been honed and tested rigorously.

Here is what I ultimately take away from this experience: I got two great friends out of working with random classmates., we designed a full app in a day, and we learned LOADS about our prototyping tools and working as collaborators.

< Quick BitesSqueezy >